Group Home/ Residential Home for Persons with Disabilities
6-9 month process
Adults with disabilities live in regular houses in the community. Our licensed group homes provide supportive relationships, supervision and encouragement that help people become independent and involved in the community. They also provide training to help individuals achieve their goals and develop basic life skills.
- File the NPI
- Submit Intent Letter
- Obtain Eligible Background Document from Clearinghouse
- Complete Provider Enrollment
- Gather Documents
- Start Application for Group Home
- Send Approval from Medicaid to APD
- 2hr Coaching
- Complete Income Verification
- Complete Emergency Plan
- Complete Staff Documents and Trainings
- Policy & Procedure
- Obtain Liability Insurance
- File for Tax Id
- File for State License
- Complete Basic Trainings
- Set up Clearinghouse
- Submit all documents
- Obtain Welcome Letter
- Complete Zoning
- Complete Fire Inspection and Health Inspection
- Start Policies and Files
- Prepare for CMS Inspection
- Prepare for Initial Inspection